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Happier than God... Book Review

Happier Than God – I am already happy, why should I read this book?? A slight thought crossed my mind when my eyes spotted this book… “Known is drop unknown is ocean”. I picked up the book from Prem Shelf and started reading... Neale Donald Walsh, author of more than 30 books and his popular known is Conversation with god. Happier than god is my first book that I am going read of his creation... Life is meant to be happy, but how to live happily is the treasure hunt. Including me, I will happy when things are going fine but when any negative things pass by I will be upset and unhappiness rules me for some days... So this book dominates the unhappiness, not completely but a extend which I felt after reading this book... Have a glance; you will appreciate the words of Neale.
There are about 28 chapters in this book, each chapter points out a positive thought at the end and some appears to be duplicate of previous chapters. The 95 % of the book talks about the man personnel creation and how personnel creation will make him happy. Who we are? Who is god?  Are we dependent on god? Is god real? , this book explains it in good way... Most people go to temple and ask god, to satisfy his / her needs. In return to wish if any good things happen people believe that god is there and he is good guy. If it happens in negative way, they believe they are bad and done some sin. Is this true? Think. People don’t believe on themselves, Here comes the “Process of personnel creation”...
Personnel creations not only enhance us, but also it make us to get rid of negative thinking...There are many unspoken truth in this world which are not taught to us. Revel the unspoken truth and start exploring it. This book explains on what we see are not real and it is mere illusion, we are the magician in this world. Help others, think about others. It will make you happy...It doesn’t mean, we should not care about us... Many films has been scripted to tell people who the god is, some films are “Anbe sivam”, “Vaanam”... This book tells the same concept. People who care about others, People who realize their mistakes..
Neale illustrated 17 points to be happier than god… Here are some.

1.Bring an end to Separation theology – Work in your own life and your personal belief to eliminate any thought of separation from God.
2.Stay in touch with who you are – See yourself as a spiritual being with a body, on the sacred mission of self-realization and self –creation. Realize who you are.
3.Give others every experience you seek – If you experience success, cause another to be successful. If you wish to experience power, cause another to be powerful.
4.Be clear that nothing you see is real – See yourself as a magician observing his own tricks, don’t forget that is all an illusion.
5.Have only preferences – Seeing your cup as half full rather than half empty. It is the key to enduring happiness. Live with what you have.
6.Understand sadness.
7.Stop arguing with life.
8.Drop all expectations – Except nothing and take whatever you get.
9.Have compassion for yourself – Be gentle with yourself about yourself.
10.Speak your truth.
11.Smile – One of the most powerful devices to be happy.
12.Sing – Singing connects the mind with the heart and the heart with the soul. So sing.
13.Know what to do when things are really bad.

Be happy, "Life is meant to be happy"....

To Purchase this book


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