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Donate Blood ,Save a Life....

Blood donation – It’s just a normal thing where the syringe is injected and blood sucked in the 350 ml plastic bottle is what I thought until July 31 2011. I have donated the blood 3 to 4 times in my life till now, but the incident which I came across that day made me to keep my body in health condition extra 10%...When, me and my friends geeta,vani was selecting the gift for Aiswaraya farewell a call from unknown person beeped in my mobile. When I attended the call, a sorrow voice from the other side felt like something bad as happened somewhere. She was almost in tears and said that her mother is in serious condition and need platelets for the cancer cure treatment. I have no idea what that platelets transfer means. In no time I said I will be there in an hour. I have no idea when I donated the blood last time, but I am staying healthy my inner soul said... Thanks to for having the list of blood donors online. Paid the gift bill and ignited the Geeta Hondo active scooter bike and rushed toward Marathahalli to get my Roomie bike Yamaha RX 135 to ride much faster...

Kicked , the ride started in the local town.. In surprise not much traffic that day.Thanked the god, reached the hospital after inquiring number of people.The family waited for me and some smile expressions peeped out from their faces. I said to them, I need to have my dinner before denoting. Went outside with X (name forgotten) and had nice dinner so that I will not get fainted in the hospital. There are n numbers of people waiting for blood donors in the hospital to help their family person. I realized the importance of blood, a life saved... Filled the form,Felt Happy that I am not affected by any viruses recently...A Happy news, a guy gone before me selected for the platelet donation. The whole family was so happy. I thought I might go but they said I can donate the blood, it will be helpful for others. Nurse tested the hemoglobin and blood pressure I am ready for the injection. This time its 450ml instead of 350 ml, i haven’t felt any difference in the body and donated.

When I came outside to have energy drinks,I saw a couple waiting for some test result which is very much urgent for her mother.The test result came and the guy blood has been selected. The girl was so happy, she called her relatives and her close friends to inform that blood platelet donor has been selected and the transfer process will be in an hour. A tear from her eyes a bit. After some time the nurse came and asked to fill the form for the confirmation of some formalities. The one careless thing happened is, the guy should have filled the form before blood test. The guy kept on ticking the answers and for a question he marked that he suffered jaundice two months back. The whole family happiness went off, the nurse rejected the guy from the donor list... So many people has been called for test, I don’t whether they got selected for the donation. I exited the hospital and drove the bike to home...

I thought “In donating blood also, luck should be involved”…

“There are so many people in this world who can donate the blood, but they are afraid of injection”... Donate it, a life saved. You will feel the happiness after donating.

“Take care of the health, increase the antibodies and the immune system”…


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