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LIFE Obeys Murphy's Law.. By Koushik..Book Review

Koushik the author of this book, a cheerful guy and a good programmer. Whenever I go to his home he used to ask me the camera tricks and in return he provides me some useful stuff information.He is a novel freak and never put down his head phone down... In one of the most recent update in FB he updated about the “Life obeys Murphy’s law” book written by him... I am not a fan of fiction stories where most of the characters and conversation in the book are imaginary… I make up my mind to read this book, so that I can at least give him the feed back about his writing which will helpful for him in the future…So I started reading.

In Imaginary stories, the author takes the control of the stories and the characters…He writes in his own imagination but this book describes the real incident that took place in KKR life (Koushik KR)… I think it’s very difficult to write these kinds of stories... Any wrong in the character or in the incidents will screw him. But he has written in good style and taken care while scripting… For the people who think they need to skip a paragraph in the Episode, “Never do it “it will lead to confused state...All of sudden it moves from one flash back to another flash back…Sometimes I read the episode twice to understand the story line…

The Way the acknowledgements and prologue written is good... It’s not in normal style of wriiting, quite different….So many mathematical and physics law related conversations in the story line made me to skip some lines while reading... It’s better to avoid too many scientific terms, not all readers are same…I am able to relate some of the incidents in the book with my real life, once while reading i closed the book and started thinking of mycollege life… How beautiful it was!!!... Too many different characters of people and the life spent with them… Playing in the rain, playing games through network … Teasing girls and the hotel food... Thanks KKR…

I liked the story line conversation happened in CCD and the girl who screwed thinking you as Ram...And the ooty incident, walking in the rain. Debate on crab soup was great. Fooling the people that you are going to get married in tirupathi , forgot to attach the file , Bumps from roommates was amazing…But never thought you will be fooled at the end of the story. I was in the dilemma how this guy going to end to story, but it had happy ending like a Tamil movie…Story had an emotional touch in the last two episodes.. Some Lines by gupta was really touching, who is optimistic and pessimistic conversation…

One question, often popping out in my mind after reading this book is about the Priya character… What happened at last.. is friendship still alive???....

Keep Writing, All the best KKR…"


  1. One of the detailed feedbacks I got. Thanks for your patience and effort. Sure. will keep writing.
    Lastly, the book has more than 25 male characters. Don't you have any questions about them? anyways, we are friends and we will be friends.

  2. ha ha ha ha ha... Why would Shanmuga be interested in male characters?

  3. Always exceptional things pops in the mind... I saw your sadness when she denied your call..Anyways All the best , life goes on its own way..:):)

  4. @Prem: Correct.. Opposite pole attracts...:):)

  5. @Prem.. Well said abt shanmuga..

    I'v jus started to read d book... No comments as of now.. will update my comments ASAP!


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