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I Live after i die.... How about you???

1991, 20 years back me and set of people went to grave yard to bury my grandfather dead body... There were so many questions popping in my mind. Will the blood flow after death, what happens to the dead body after burying in sand and so on... I came home and asked amma what happens to the dead body after burying in sand, she said body will decay, sand will eat the body and at last nothing will be there... Is that the time I understood after death we are nothing and no use to others...???

Thangavelu, who was my college mate and rotary club president. He used to organize blood donation camps and take college student to hospital when there is a need of blood who in need… I tried so many times to donate a blood but due to low weight I will be discarded all the time... I started eating healthy foods and juices but I never gained weight... That day I thought before I die I need to donate my blood to someone and make my life worthfull… College days passed by but not even single drop of my blood sucked from my body for someone life...  New job, Luxuary Bangalore life, handful of money and no appropriate timing for Breakfast, Lunch and dinner... My body weight started increasing, the exact reason behind it is known but  it’s not an appropriate place to share…

 MA (Manhattan Associates), my fourth god I can tell after my mom, dad and teacher who offered me the work and handful of money...There was a mail from MA Admin, there is going to be a blood donation camp next week, I started eating healthy foods, fresh juices daily. I maintained my diet... The day came Syringe pierced and the blood was sucked… I felt the nerve pain and on the other end my heart said, this beautiful colored flowing blood is going to give life to someone and that’s the day my care for people touched 100%... Started donating to the NGO, Old clothes to the poor people and in return I received a smile, thanks which is priceless... I loved the moments…

There were so many posts and video shared in FB about eye donation. Shymala, Prem Friend wrote in a comment for one of the post that she already registered her eyes for donation. That’s the start. I asked my sister who is a Doctor, after death what are all the parts can be donated... Eyes and the body internal organs, she said... I used to tell my parents every time I go to Coimbatore that I going to register my eyes for donation... I called GH Coimbatore to get information on eye donation but no positive response. Year passed but I haven’t registered... Two weeks back, I saw a certificate lying on the bed... Read and it said, PremKumar has registered for eye donation… Shine in my face, called him and asked the process... He said it a simple process, Go to Sankara Eye hospital, and enter the personnel details... You are done; they will issue the certificate and donor card… Day after I registered my eyes, Received my Certificate and the donor card...Informed my parents and friends, in case if I die by any accident or by any cause donate by eyes.. I need to see this beautiful world after I die… The moment I said to my parents and siblings, my father said that he also need to register , my sister said she , her husband and the baby who is going to view  this world for the first time next month also need to be registered.. Next time I go to my home town, this is my first job...

 On the other side there were thoughts, why can’t I donate my organs… I signed to my twitter account after a long time; posted some of my pics I clicked in the blogger meet... The day after I got a comment from an unknown that my pic was good and nicely captured... I don’t who she is? But her name is bargavi. We started following in twitter... There were so many posts keep on coming after following bargavi; I can say she is an active blogger... Clicked her blog link and started reading one of her post. Too busy to care... Nicely written... On the right side I saw a yellow colored body organ donor card of her…  Clicked and entered my personnel details in the page followed, the time I was about to click submit. Mobile beeped a call from my brother who is a Doctor in Homeopathy medicine. I said to him that I am going to register my organs for donation...Is it trusts worthy, he asked. Don’t know, I said. Better leave it; we will register through GH Coimbatore he said. Sounds good, going legally is always better. 

I went home for Diwali... Diwali celebration was great and enjoyed a lot. Surfed the net and got the contact number of GH Coimbatore... Called them and asked the process for registering for organ donation... Come tomorrow and see the officer in RM office they will let you know the process, a girl on the other end said. Next day came, without hesitating the weather reached the hospital and parked the bike. That’s the first time I am entering to the GH Coimbatore... Too Many people, Tablet, Dettol, Chlorine powder smelled all around... Reached RM office after walking for 20 minutes, enquired about the process. He said, there is only registration available for cadaver (Donating the dead body for medical student study)... Ok, give me the form I said, he handed over me two papers and said get no opposition signature from your parents and siblings and also get sign for an advocate also in the stamp paper he said… Before I exit out of the door, Officer asked are you married? No I said.. Then you need file this form one more time after marriage as wife signature is important... Nodded my head, I will back in a month I replied... Don’t submit here, submit in CMC , he replied.. 

Came out, Drilling rain, Drove the bike in awesome lovely weather and my photo shoot for Red frame photo contest started… Click Click Click

Donate and save a life…


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