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Became an Early Riser...

I love sleeping for a long time and have been doing this for a long time… If you ask me to sleep for the whole day without food , I can do that …Going to bed late night, waking up late in the morning, rushing to office, no proper breakfast, no work out, working in office for a long time to complete the task for the day and so on...  These all happened to me due to my improper time management and not going to bed early in night...

A phrase in a book said “Waking up early in morning to see sunshine make a make energetic  on the other hand making the sun to wake you up makes a man lazy and non-energetic” ..  That’s when I realized, being early riser is going to be a good habit…

I have been early riser for the past 30 days and its sound good for me... Before heading towards this habit, I prepared a to do list for the day... Till now I am able to complete 90% of the task in the to do list, before it was like 30% to 40%...  Able to balance Work and personnel life now..

Here are the few tips which I followed to become an early riser…
  1. Start the habit gradually not drastic  à For the first few days I woke up by 7.30 , Then 6:45 and now by 6 and as days go by I will make a habit to wake up by 5:30 which is not an impossible one..
  2. Sleeping Earlier followed the rule “Early to bed, Early to rise”... I am used to sleeping late night... On the first day it was very hard and as days goes, when the clocks tics 10 PM, my eyes started to hang over...
  3. Don’t Snooze the Alarm Clock.
  4.  Don’t set the alarm if are used to waking up early.
  5. Get out from the bed as soon as you shut off the alarm à this is bit a difficult one. Force yourself to get out of the bed and wash the face or have a bottle of water.
By doing these above hard things, I am able to achieve few good things... 
  1. Enjoying the Beautiful sun rise.
  2. Started doing Meditation for few minutes.
  3. Daily work out for 30 minutes to relax the muscle.
  4. Cleaning the house and de-cluttering the things.
  5. Cooking my favorite dishes for breakfast, preparing lunch...
  6. Taking care of plants. 
  7. No Breakfast skipping.
  8. Going early to office , Completing the task on time without tension.
And Now I have ample amount of time to start new hobbies and thinking something creative.

“Waking up this morning, I smile. Twenty-four brand new hours are before me. I vow to live fully in each moment”. -Thích Nhất Hạnh….                                                   


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