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My First Art....

Painting – My new hobby or I can say something like, my new try apart from photography.  I used to window shop many painting shops in Bangalore. For simple looking paint, the shop keeper used to quote huge amount of price and I back out from shop just for price is high. Those times, I thought painting is easy and any one can draw easily but after I started painting I felt the real hard work behind and inner happiness… 

When people go to US for a trip they get gift items for their loved ones. This time when I went, I don’t know what to get for my wife... 

Hey Chella Pondaati, I am going to get a beautiful diamond pendent from JA Reds.. What do say , I asked her…

She in return. Mama, Diamonds are not lucky for me. Get me something different and it should be something which u haven’t gifted me before and it should touch my heart as soon I open the gift box.. 

OH my god… thinking, thinking for a week I haven’t got any idea on heart touching gifts. That’s the time, I went to my friend home Anand in Atlanta... When my foot stepped in to Anand room , I saw beautiful paintings getting dried under the fan and figured out painting by myself will be a good gift to my wife rather than going to shop and purchasing a new one. 

Hey Janki (Anand Wife), r u the one who done all these paintings lying down or u stolen from someone?  I asked

Ofcourse me Shan, this is my new hobby and it’s going good... She Said

Ok then, teach me how to paint and I need to gift my wife… She replied “It Will take at least two hours to finish it and u need patience”…  

She arranged few different paint brushes of different thickness, Pencils, Paint bottles, Cloth and water... She handed over me the plastic card board and asked me to paint the back ground... In full concentration I started painting, Hands started shivering after few minutes, done few mistakes and as time gone by I started to learn and it went interesting…  The toughest part in any painting is creating the main subject beautifully... My Main subject is a couple photos, both of them standing together, holding their hands and looking at each other eyes. I finished the back ground painting in ten minutes but sketching the main subject took me almost 1.5 hrs... All of sudden I heard a crying sound , I looked around to see who is crying but no one was there, then I realised it’s the sound and tears from eraser which was sitting at the back of pencil… “When I started the sketching, eraser looked like new born baby, on the end it’s almost dead”…  Felt mercy and with the help of anand and Janki... I am able to complete the paint successfully and it looked beautiful...  i was so happy and very excited to show this to my wife...  The next day in video chatting I showed my art she felt so happy and touched... 

One thing I learnt is “We get so many ready-made gift things from shops which are created by someone  ... Instead Put your own effort  , create your own item and gift to your loved one the feel of love is completely different” .. I felt it when I gifted to my Chella Pondaati…


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