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Dont run to catch early morning garbage collecting van - Retain some calories by following my tips..

Five months back, my home dustbin will be full daily, untolerable smell and I need to run to dispose the waste when the BBMP vehicle comes to collect the waste... Most of the times my sleep will get disturbed due to the whistle sound and I don’t want this anymore...After the BBMP initiated a campaign near Majestic on Waste Management and simple technique to follow, I started to reuse many of the stuffs which I was thinking as waste... In this world nothing is waste unless u thinks its waste and most of the stuffs which we use in day to day life can be reused or recycled if managed properly.

And now I am running, may be twice a week to dispose the waste... In future I will be no more running and I am working on the plan. I am sharing few tips which I am following now which helped me in gradually reducing the waste and minimized on polluting the environment (Only 20 to 30 % of the waste thrown in garbage has been reused and 80% remains in landfills which is polluting the water bodies and causing air pollution when burnt)…

If the below things are followed in your home, 90% of waste going to the garbage landfill will get reduced... Let’s start with basic...
What will do with used milk packets -- Throw them in the dustbin? If yes don’t do it anymore, instead wash it and collect... After months of collection give it to the Plastic merchant and get some money... The packets collected will be recycled...

Plastic bottles -- Plastic bottles include water bottles, Shampoo containers, Chemical filled containers (Phenol, harpic and so on).. Either these bottles can be used as drip irrigation for plants, planting new plants in bottles or give to plastic merchant and get some money… 
These days if you go to hotel and get parcel, they charge extra 10 or 20 for containers...After done with your food , wash them cleanly  ,keep in sunlight , store and sell them to same person for minimal amount .. That’s what I do…

Plastic bags -- Before my home will be filled with plastic bag and now one or two.. That too for keeping vegetables... Started carrying cloth bag where ever I go and by chance merchant puts the stuff inside plastic bag I return to them… By returning we are not losing anything, we are saving the environment.

Don’t waste food -- Don’t overcook...Cook only what you need for the day...if still goes waste don’t throw in dustbin , By throwing in dustbin you are not feeding anyone instead feed to a stray dog or give it to people who in need of food (Beggers), vegetable and fruits to cows.. Start Composting.

Re-use or lend the things -- Sort out the things which can be reused for any purpose... For instance I reused the washing powder box as a money saving bank for my kid, decorated with gift paper and few stickers, stitched a cloth mobile pouch using my son dress, Back pack to a school boy, Un used watch to garbage collector, old clothes to poor people.

Don’t Purchase the things just to fill your home or shop dress to fill your cloth set or for fantasy ... Get what you need. There is difference between Want and Need... Follow the need not want , waste will be reduced..


  1. Hello,

    please visit my website for all your garbage disposal related stuffs.

    God bless you!


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