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My Short talk on "Private organization towards Nature protection".. Thansk TNAU Coimbatore

Two months back, One day when my younger brother (Kathirvel Raja) asked me whether I will be able to give a speech in TNAU community radio about “Private organization towards Nature protection”. It was a big opportunity for me to showcase my skills but bit hesitated to say yes as it needs good Preparations and Practice. Thought for a while and said, I am fine in giving a short talk.Kathir used to give short talk in TNAU community radio often on “Homeopathy” Subjects so I asked him some tips how to get prepared for the talk he gave few tips. My Father also gave some tips and gave few points in paper. In My family My sister spoke in radio and TV when she was 13 years old , my brother started to talk in radio a year back and the left out is me and now that’s also going to happen.. 

Radio recording schedule fixed to July 5th 2014...From the day the schedule got fixed, some kind of fear was running inside me. To overcome the fear I took my first step “Started to prepare myself” for the talk... Since the talk is going to be in my mother tongue (TAMIL), I sorted few books from my book self to read... I had a habit of reading books durning morning time with my son in my lap for few minutes, this I used to do to relieve my mind from outer thoughts and gather some useful information but I used to read myself means not loudly.. To be different, I started to read loudly. Initially I used to miss few words from the sentence as the day goes I got comfortable with reading and started to read faster and clearly. To be honest, there is difference when we read something ourselves (Not loudly) and reading something loudly. Reading loudly will enhance your reading ability and the voice will have good clarity of your words.

The day arrived... I, My wife and kid drove towards the TNAU (Tamil Nadu agricultural university)... After asking few people around the campus of TNAU we were able to reach the Community radio building. There Gomati, who is the interviewer waiting for me and as soon as we entered the building my son started make some noise. Interviewer got curious of my son voice and got a mick and started to record his voice. Later she said, his voice will be broadcasted in kid’s time event... When the clock ticked 10:30 AM, I was asked to enter recording room. The room was exactly same like what I see in TV. Even though I done some ground work for the talk still I had some fear after entering the room... Mick switched on, Interviewer gave some introduction about the event and followed by questions pointing me... Before answering the first question I took a deep breath and said to myself “Do your best”... With full confidence started to answer her questions and open from heart, interview went for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes I was asked to leave and she said the talk will be broadcasted in the TNAU community radio website after 2 weeks... My wife waiting outside asked how it went, I said I did my best and let’s see how it comes... A week back, my talk shared in the website and my family was so happy after hearing my talk. It’s just a start, more to come.

And click the link SooZhal Kaapomena sooluraipoom


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