I still remember the day when I saw her in Tamil Nadu Erode Bus stand standing with her close friends in drizzling rain, wearing black dress with lovely white patches around. She looked awesome and gorgeous, is this called Love at first sight?? May be…. And she is going to be My Third Love in my life… I don’t whether I will adapt to her royal life style and classic look, but who cares. I proposed. It’s almost going to be a year with her, life with her is a sensational touch and the happiest moments, Trip with her is embossed here... Royal Enfield Bullet 350 Fully serviced, test drive done by my uncle (A passionate bullet lover) and ready to rock the NH7 highway night ride with thundering sound..That was my first night ride in the highway too..Life is thrill when you drive without helmet, no tool box, Right side gear... But no scariness in my mind as prem is going to accompany me... Before the engine start, two rules laid, Speed limit 80 Km/hr and relax for each 70 Km ride...
Every "Moment" Is A Bliss.