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Kanva Resorvoir.. "Trip With Keystone Team"..

 Leaning over the kitchen slab, cooking something for dinner, words said by karthik stuck in my mind all of sudden... “The day when karthik joined Keystone logic he asked me, do we have any biker club in keystone … I said, we don’t have any bike club but we can go for a bike trip on weekends if we get considerable amount or riders for the trip… “
Picked up the phone and dialed…

Hey Karthik, shall we go for a bike trip coming October 2... Sure he replied

The Next day mail was sent to all the employees and asked to vote, to estimate the number of persons available for bike trip... The repeated question kept on firing us from peers is the place where we are going... Surfed the web for places in the weekend and decided the place to be Kanva Reservoir. Karthik said he went to this place few months back and it was nice place to visit and also he said there is a go karting track available nearby kanva… Another mail was sent about the place and the plans... Since it was the first bike trip with keystone peers, all the bikers met in a conference room and discussed the rules to be followed while driving and the things to carry...

On October 2nd, early morning turned on the bike ignition and rode towards the town hall after picking my friend Prem from silk board. When we reached lalbagh west gate some kind of weird sound came from the chain sprocket area... All the time, unexpected things happen during the bike trip for me... Prem checked what gone wrong but he was not able to spot anything...  We rode few kilometers with that weird sound and confirmed that no problem in bike engine and gear box...Since its early morning 6:15, no mechanic shop was open to repair… When we reached a metro construction area near satellite bus stand, bike stopped in middle then we figured out the bike spoke got broken, karthik said either me or my friend to join in another bike where pillion is empty and let the other one get the bike back to the home… Sounds practical suggestion from him but I don’t want to go towards that idea… By god’s grace there were few other bikers who was standing beside me had a tool kit... By using the cutting player tool, we bended the spoke and made to sit the broken spoke in comfortable position...

All set now, Turned on the ignition and moved forward towards the Mysore highway. After traveling for about 35 kilometers with no hurdles riders stopped the bike in a thata idly shop to fuel the stomach… Cracked few jokes with peers while having breakfast and was back to ride... Since I was driving hero Honda splendor +, I was not able to compete other bikes which has 350CC and 180 CC engines...Bike moved like a bulla cart.. For a long time, I and Prem haven’t been together for a bike trip... We started talking about marriage life and interesting things, ride was smooth even though the travel was like bulla cart... Crossed ram nagar, after crossing ram nagar peers where waiting for us near a village where the road towards the kanva reservoir starts... After travelling in deserted high way with no trees, trees in the villages refreshed my mind. Took my camera from the bag and clicked snaps of the kids and the houses...

Traveled few kilometers inside the village we reached the kanva reservoir, the reservoir was partial dry without water. 

Since it’s an artificial lake, the water will get filled only during monsoon time or through some others inlets... But I was not able to spot any inlets to the lake only the outlets from lake where water is taken for irrigation purpose… Clicked few snaps with the bikers and moved towards main area of the reservoir... While on the way we found a dense bush area and pleasing bird’s voices, parked the bike in the shady area and moved inside the bush zones and spotted few beautiful birds and parrots. 
Roamed inside for a while and headed towards the reservoir… After reaching the reservoir I was given the warning that people are not supposed to get inside water as it has quick sand and it might suck you inside... While packing things from home for trip, I packed shorts for buffer thinking that I will be taking bath in the reservoir. The words by team disappointed me and not in the mood to enjoy the trip. But I had hope that I will get chance to take bath. The area where we parked the bike was too hot and watery so we moved to the other side of the reservoir where there was some area to sit and chat... 
While riding towards the other end , I saw a boy jumping inside a pool of water which was muddy , when I asked what was depth of water and is the sand sucking him inside.  He said, depth is less and it’s not sucking... I felt energized, at no point of time I and Prem are in pool of water... I felt the effect of quick sand but not much and played inside muddy for an hour and gave some stylish poses for clicks. It was fun but felt the itching in the body parts due to the mud...
I and Prem planned to drive the bike with bare body but due to some suggestions from team members, we got in situation to wear the t shirts... 

The next plan was to go to go-karting place to burn some fuel and pollute the environment... We headed and reached the place in next 30 minutes, the place is towards the Bangalore.. Karthik and lohith talked to the guy there for tariff and discount rates.. 

 Go-Karting place had bike dirt also, since they charged high for one lap, only few people done dirt biking.. After finishing the dirt biking, race started in the go –karting zone... Track was good and driving was fun and thrilling. When we finished the go-karting, time was almost 1:00 PM, and felt the hunger... To fuel the stomach went to Kamat and had a nice lunch.

 Trip came to end , After having lunch had a group snap and headed towards Bangalore… It was a fun trip with some interesting hurdles...


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