Stay healthy :
Maintaining good health doesn't happen by accident. It requires work, smart lifestyle choices, and the occasional checkup and test.Maintaining good health doesn't happen by accident. It requires work, smart lifestyle choices, and the occasional checkup and test.
Do one thing each day that makes you happy :
It seems simple, but creating little sparks of joy each day can be the difference in making it through the pandemic. Whether it's watching an episode of your favorite TV show, listening to your go-to pump-up song or buying flowers for your bedside table, finding little things to spark joy each and every day will make more of a positive impact on your day-to-day than you might realize.
Stay in touch with Family and Friends:
There's a good chance you haven't seen your family or spent quality time with friends since at least March. Set a goal for 2022 to make an effort to stay connected. Set up a weekly virtual game night with your cousins or watch the latest episode of the Bachelor with your college roommate over FaceTime. Simply find ways to connect and stay connected with the people you love and know you'll be able to see them again in no time.
leave the comfort Zone:
Similar to trying new things, vow to do things that make you uncomfortable in 2021. This could be continuing to have tough conversations about race or maybe deciding to train for and run a marathon. The sky's the limit, and only you know what will force you out and help you grow.
Focus on Environment:
If you're looking for ways beyond simply recycling or not using plastic water bottles to help the environment, 2022 is the perfect opportunity to make some simple swaps that will have a big impact. You may think environmentally friendly products are expensive and not worth the hassle, but it only takes a little research and a few key changes to make a difference. Switch to reusable grocery bags, implement no meat Mondays or even switch to bamboo toothbrushes and bar soap. The changes are up to you, and you can feel good knowing you're doing your part.
Practice mindfulness:
You may have tried and written off meditation in the past, but that's not exactly what we're talking about here. Mindfulness can be as easy as thinking more positively and more intentionally. Rather than saying you're stuck at home, why not rephrase it to you get to stay home and think of all the benefits of doing so. Be intentional with your actions, only choosing to do things that progress your goals forward rather than set you back.
Stay Active:
Simply working out for just 30 minutes a day can make all the difference. Whether you're feeling in a rut thanks to staying home all day every day or are looking for a way to get your mind off of life's stressors, find an active activity that works for you and get after it! You'll be amazed at how fulfilled and energized you feel afterward.
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