Adding value to your work is helpful for a successful career and adding value to your workplace is doing even a little extra to make your contributions helpful to your employer, such as increasing sales or grow your customer base. It's helpful to think of adding value as anything that improves your company's business, whether that's providing better quality products to customers or being prepared for unique situations. There are few ways in which you can increase your value in Workplace
High Quality Work :
This can apply to any type of job, as the quality of the work is specific to whatever kind of work you do. Perhaps this means drafting high-quality copy for an advertising client or ensuring fewer mistakes in the equipment you're manufacturing. Producing high-quality work requires a little extra effort to ensure you are aware of the types of errors you might ordinarily make in your work and the expectations of your employer and customers. You might need to spend a bit of extra time to produce higher quality work, but most employers and clients appreciate the dedication and higher quality.
Became an SME:
Becoming an expert regarding your work can allow you to answer questions for coworkers and customers that add value to their experience with you. Not every employee applies themselves to learning information beyond their base training, so any extra training adds value to yourself as an employee. This can also make the experience that coworkers and customers have when they need your help more constructive. It minimizes the time you need to consult others or research an issue, which results in a faster resolution for everyone involved.
Ask the right questions:
A good way to get helpful information out of coworkers or customers is to ask targeted but open-ended questions that allow them to express their needs in a way that works for them. That way, you learn about what's important to them rather than directing their responses through questions that are too limited. It can also help clarify what they need and want from you so that you can deliver that more efficiently.
Learn about emerging technologies and latest trends
Most successful people attempt to understand the industry they work in. Learning more about the factors that affect the company you work for can help you understand how to improve many aspects of the business. You might want to read industry publications, study industry websites, network with professionals in your industry or read books on the topic.
Increase the customer interactions
Whether you work for a company where you interact with customers randomly but frequently, or you work for a company where customers set planned meetings occasionally, you may find value in increasing your preparation for those meetings. Your customers may also find value in that. This type of preparation varies depending on your industry, but if it's a planned meeting, you could research your customer and what they might want from your company.
Focus on what you can do:
One way to add value is to focus on what you can do, rather than what you can't. You can apply this in a variety of ways, but it could include spending less time and energy on customers who aren't likely to purchase or products that aren't successful.
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